Morlet wavelets for M/EEG analysis, [ˈmiːglɪt]

This package provides a lean implementation of Morlet wavelets () designed for power-spectral analysis of M/EEG resting-state signals (; ).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from meeglet import define_frequencies, define_wavelets, plot_wavelet_family

foi, sigma_time, sigma_freq, bw_oct, qt = define_frequencies(
    foi_start=1, foi_end=32, bw_oct=1, delta_oct=1

wavelets = define_wavelets(
    foi=foi, sigma_time=sigma_time, sfreq=1000., density='oct'

plot_wavelet_family(wavelets, foi, fmax=64)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(9, 3)


Background overview on scope, rationale & design choices
Python tutorials M/EEG data analysis examples
Python API Documentation of Python functions and unit tests
MATLAB functionality MATLAB documentation and data analysis example

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from PyPi

In your environment of choice, use pip to install meeglet:

pip install meeglet

from the sources

Please clone the software, consider installing the dependencies listed in the `environment.yml.

Then do in your conda/mamba environment of choice:

pip install -e .


When using our package, please cite our two reference articles:

Python implementation and covariance computation.

    author = {Bomatter, Philipp and Paillard, Joseph and Garces, Pilar and Hipp, J{\"o}rg and Engemann, Denis-Alexander},
    title = {Machine learning of brain-specific biomarkers from EEG},
    year = {2024},
    journal = {eBioMedicine},
    url = {},
    date = {2024/08/05},
    publisher = {Elsevier},
    isbn = {2352-3964},
    month = {2024/08/06},
    volume = {106},

General methodology, MATLAB implementation and power-envelope correlations.

  title={Large-scale cortical correlation structure of spontaneous oscillatory activity},
  author={Hipp, Joerg F and Hawellek, David J and Corbetta, Maurizio and Siegel, Markus and Engel, Andreas K},
  journal={Nature neuroscience},
  publisher={Nature Publishing Group US New York}


Bomatter, Philipp, Joseph Paillard, Pilar Garces, Jörg Hipp, and Denis-Alexander Engemann. 2024. “Machine Learning of Brain-Specific Biomarkers from EEG.” eBioMedicine 106.
Hipp, Joerg F, David J Hawellek, Maurizio Corbetta, Markus Siegel, and Andreas K Engel. 2012. “Large-Scale Cortical Correlation Structure of Spontaneous Oscillatory Activity.” Nature Neuroscience 15 (6): 884–90.
Morlet, J., G. Arens, E. Fourgeau, and D. Giard. 1982. “Wave Propagation and Sampling Theory—Part II: Sampling Theory and Complex Waves.” GEOPHYSICS 47 (2): 222–36.