Bootstrapping for MAIC weighted odds ratios
min_weight = 1e-04
A data frame containing individual patient data from the intervention study.
A character vector giving the names of the covariates to use in matching. These names must match the column names in intervention_data.
Index used to select a sample within boot
A model formula in the form 'endpoint ~ treatment_var'. Variable names need to match the corresponding columns in intervention_data.
A data frame containing pseudo individual patient data from the comparator study needed to derive the relative treatment effect. The outcome variables names must match intervention_data.
A numeric value that defines the minimum weight allowed. This value (default 0.0001) will replace weights estimated at 0 in a sample.
The OR as a numeric value.
This function is intended to be used in conjunction with the
function to return the statistic to be
bootstrapped. In this case by performing MAIC weighting using
estimate_weights and returning a weighted odds ratio (OR) from a
logistic regression model. This is used as the 'statistic' argument in
the boot function.
# This example code combines weighted individual patient data for 'intervention'
# and pseudo individual patient data for 'comparator' and performs analyses for
# two endpoints: overall survival (a time to event outcome) and objective
# response (a binary outcome)
# load intervention data with weights saved in est_weights
data(est_weights, package = "MAIC")
# Combine data -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Combine the the comparator pseudo data with the analysis data, outputted from
# the estimate_weights function
# Read in digitised pseudo survival data for the comparator
comparator_surv <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "psuedo_IPD.csv",
package = "MAIC", mustWork = TRUE)) %>%
rename(Time=Time, Event=Event)
# Simulate response data based on the known proportion of responders
comparator_n <- nrow(comparator_surv) # total number of patients in the comparator data
comparator_prop_events <- 0.4 # proportion of responders
# Calculate number with event
# Use round() to ensure we end up with a whole number of people
# number without an event = Total N - number with event to ensure we keep the
# same number of patients
n_with_event <- round(comparator_n*comparator_prop_events, digits = 0)
comparator_binary <- data.frame("response"= c(rep(1, n_with_event), rep(0, comparator_n - n_with_event)))
# Join survival and response comparator data
# Note the rows do not represent observations from a particular patient
# i.e. there is no relationship between the survival time and response status
# for a given row since this is simulated data
# In a real data set this relationship would be present
comparator_input <- cbind(comparator_surv, comparator_binary) %>%
mutate(wt=1, wt_rs=1, ARM="Comparator") # All patients have weight = 1
#> Time Event response wt wt_rs ARM
#> 1 20.2311676 1 1 1 1 Comparator
#> 2 28.7679537 1 1 1 1 Comparator
#> 3 41.0662129 0 1 1 1 Comparator
#> 4 0.8492261 1 1 1 1 Comparator
#> 5 9.0521882 0 1 1 1 Comparator
#> 6 3.4450075 1 1 1 1 Comparator
# Join comparator data with the intervention data (naming of variables should be
# consistent between both datasets)
# Set factor levels to ensure "Comparator" is the reference treatment
combined_data <- bind_rows(est_weights$analysis_data, comparator_input)
combined_data$ARM <- relevel(as.factor(combined_data$ARM), ref="Comparator")
#### Estimating the relative effect --------------------------------------------
### Example for survival data --------------------------------------------------
## Kaplan-Meier plot
# Unweighted intervention data
KM_int <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 ,
data = est_weights$analysis_data,
# Weighted intervention data
KM_int_wtd <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 ,
data = est_weights$analysis_data,
weights = wt,
# Comparator data
KM_comp <- survfit(formula = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ 1 ,
data = comparator_input,
# Combine the survfit objects ready for ggsurvplot
KM_list <- list(Intervention = KM_int,
Intervention_weighted = KM_int_wtd,
Comparator = KM_comp)
#Produce the Kaplan-Meier plot
KM_plot <- ggsurvplot(KM_list,
combine = TRUE,
risk.table=TRUE, # numbers at risk displayed on the plot,
xlab="Time (days)",
legend.title = "Treatment",
title = "Kaplan-Meier plot of overall survival",
"Intervention weighted",
font.legend = list(size = 10)) +
guides(colour=guide_legend(nrow = 2))
#> Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
#> Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.
#> Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
#> Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.
#> Warning: Vectorized input to `element_text()` is not officially supported.
#> Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2.
## Estimating the hazard ratio (HR)
# Fit a Cox model without weights to estimate the unweighted HR
unweighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM, data = combined_data)
HR_CI_cox <- summary(unweighted_cox)$ %>% %>%
transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`,
"HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`,
"HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`)
# Fit a Cox model with weights to estimate the weighted HR
weighted_cox <- coxph(Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM,
data = combined_data,
weights = wt)
HR_CI_cox_wtd <- summary(weighted_cox)$ %>% %>%
transmute("HR" = `exp(coef)`,
"HR_low_CI" = `lower .95`,
"HR_upp_CI" = `upper .95`)
## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted HR
HR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data
statistic = bootstrap_HR, # bootstrap the HR (defined in the MAIC package)
R=1000, # number of bootstrap samples
comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data
matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables
model = Surv(Time, Event==1) ~ ARM # model to fit
## Bootstrapping diagnostics
# Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram
# Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs
hist(HR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped HR")
abline(v= quantile(HR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)), lty=2)
# Median of the bootstrap samples
HR_median <- median(HR_bootstraps$t)
# Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI
boot_ci_HR <- = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc")
# Bootstrap CI - BCa CI
boot_ci_HR_BCA <- = HR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca")
## Summary
# Produce a summary of HRs and CIs
HR_summ <- rbind(HR_CI_cox, HR_CI_cox_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted HRs and CIs from Cox models
mutate(Method = c("HR (95% CI) from unadjusted Cox model",
"HR (95% CI) from weighted Cox model")) %>%
# Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI
rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median,
"HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[4],
"HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR$percent[5],
"Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>%
# Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI
rbind(data.frame("HR" = HR_median,
"HR_low_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[4],
"HR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_HR_BCA$bca[5],
"Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>%
#apply rounding for numeric columns
mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>%
#format for output
transmute(Method, HR_95_CI = paste0(HR, " (", HR_low_CI, " to ", HR_upp_CI, ")"))
# Summarize the results in a table suitable for word/ powerpoint
HR_table <- HR_summ %>%
regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object
set_header_labels(Method = "Method", HR_95_CI = "Hazard ratio (95% CI)") %>%
font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>%
fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>%
bold(part = 'header') %>%
align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>%
align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>%
border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>%
border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>%
border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>%
autofit(add_w = 0.2, add_h = 2)
### Example for response data --------------------------------------------------
## Estimating the odds ratio (OR)
# Fit a logistic regression model without weights to estimate the unweighted OR
unweighted_OR <- glm(formula = response~ARM,
family = binomial(link="logit"),
data = combined_data)
# Log odds ratio
log_OR_CI_logit <- cbind(coef(unweighted_OR), confint.default(unweighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,]
# Exponentiate to get Odds ratio
OR_CI_logit <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit)
#tidy up naming
names(OR_CI_logit) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI")
# Fit a logistic regression model with weights to estimate the weighted OR
weighted_OR <- suppressWarnings(glm(formula = response~ARM,
family = binomial(link="logit"),
data = combined_data,
weight = wt))
# Weighted log odds ratio
log_OR_CI_logit_wtd <- cbind(coef(weighted_OR), confint.default(weighted_OR, level = 0.95))[2,]
# Exponentiate to get weighted odds ratio
OR_CI_logit_wtd <- exp(log_OR_CI_logit_wtd)
#tidy up naming
names(OR_CI_logit_wtd) <- c("OR", "OR_low_CI", "OR_upp_CI")
## Bootstrap the confidence interval of the weighted OR
OR_bootstraps <- boot(data = est_weights$analysis_data, # intervention data
statistic = bootstrap_OR, # bootstrap the OR
R = 1000, # number of bootstrap samples
comparator_data = comparator_input, # comparator pseudo data
matching = est_weights$matching_vars, # matching variables
model = 'response ~ ARM' # model to fit
## Bootstrapping diagnostics
# Summarize bootstrap estimates in a histogram
# Vertical lines indicate the median and upper and lower CIs
hist(OR_bootstraps$t, main = "", xlab = "Boostrapped OR")
abline(v= quantile(OR_bootstraps$t, probs = c(0.025,0.5,0.975)), lty=2)
# Median of the bootstrap samples
OR_median <- median(OR_bootstraps$t)
# Bootstrap CI - Percentile CI
boot_ci_OR <- = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="perc")
# Bootstrap CI - BCa CI
boot_ci_OR_BCA <- = OR_bootstraps, index=1, type="bca")
## Summary
# Produce a summary of ORs and CIs
OR_summ <- rbind(OR_CI_logit, OR_CI_logit_wtd) %>% # Unweighted and weighted ORs and CIs %>%
mutate(Method = c("OR (95% CI) from unadjusted logistic regression model",
"OR (95% CI) from weighted logistic regression model")) %>%
# Median bootstrapped HR and 95% percentile CI
rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median,
"OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[4],
"OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR$percent[5],
"Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% percentile CI)")) %>%
# Median bootstrapped HR and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated bootstrap CI
rbind(data.frame("OR" = OR_median,
"OR_low_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[4],
"OR_upp_CI" = boot_ci_OR_BCA$bca[5],
"Method"="Bootstrap median HR (95% BCa CI)")) %>%
#apply rounding for numeric columns
mutate_if(.predicate = is.numeric, sprintf, fmt = "%.3f") %>%
#format for output
transmute(Method, OR_95_CI = paste0(OR, " (", OR_low_CI, " to ", OR_upp_CI, ")"))
# turns the results to a table suitable for word/ powerpoint
OR_table <- OR_summ %>%
regulartable() %>% #make it a flextable object
set_header_labels(Method = "Method", OR_95_CI = "Odds ratio (95% CI)") %>%
font(font = 'Arial', part = 'all') %>%
fontsize(size = 14, part = 'all') %>%
bold(part = 'header') %>%
align(align = 'center', part = 'all') %>%
align(j = 1, align = 'left', part = 'all') %>%
border_outer(border = fp_border()) %>%
border_inner_h(border = fp_border()) %>%
border_inner_v(border = fp_border()) %>%
autofit(add_w = 0.2)