Defining parameters that may be used in model calculations

add_item(.data = NULL, ...)



Existing data


Items to define for the simulation


A list of items


The functions to add/modify events/inputs use lists. Whenever several inputs/events are added or modified, it's recommended to group them within one function, as it reduces the computation cost. So rather than use two add_item with a list of one element, it's better to group them into a single add_item with a list of two elements.


add_item(fl.idfs = 0)
#> $fl.idfs
#> [1] 0
add_item(util_idfs = if(psa_bool){rnorm(1,0.8,0.2)} else{0.8}, util.mbc = 0.6, cost_idfs = 2500)
#> $util_idfs
#> if (psa_bool) {
#>     rnorm(1, 0.8, 0.2)
#> } else {
#>     0.8
#> }
#> $util.mbc
#> [1] 0.6
#> $cost_idfs
#> [1] 2500