
This document runs a discrete event simulation model using simulated individual patient data (IPD) to show how the functions can be used to generate a model when IPD from a trial is available.

Packages and main options

options(scipen = 999)
options(tibble.print_max = 50)

Model concept

The model is represented below. All patients start in the progression-free state and may move to the progressed state. At any point in time they can die, depending on the risk of each disease stage. Patients may also experience a disease event which accelerates progression.

Generate dummy IPD trial data and fit survival models

The dummy IPD trial data is generated below using the sim_adtte() function from the flexsurvPlus package. Parametric survival models are fit to the dummy OS and TTP IPD. We are using the flexsurv package to fit the parametric survival models.

#Generate dummy IPD
tte.df <- sim_adtte(seed = 821, rho = 0, beta_1a = log(0.6), beta_1b = log(0.6), beta_pd = log(0.2))

#Change data frame to wide format
tte.df <- tte.df %>% select(-PARAM) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = PARAMCD, values_from = c(AVAL,CNSR)) 

#Derive Time to Progression Variable from OS and PFS
tte.df <- tte.df %>% mutate(
  Event_OS = 1-CNSR_OS,
  Event_PFS = 1-CNSR_PFS,
  Event_TTP = 1-CNSR_TTP

#Add baseline characteristics (sex and age) to time to event data
IPD <- tte.df %>% mutate(
  SEX = rbinom(500,1,0.5),
  AGE = rnorm(500,60,8)
#Plot simulated OS and TTP curves

#Overall survival
km.est.OS <- survfit(Surv(AVAL_OS/365.25, Event_OS) ~ ARMCD, data = IPD) #KM curve <- flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(AVAL_OS/365.25, Event_OS) ~ ARMCD, data = IPD, dist = "Weibull") #Fit Weibull model to the OS data
#> Call:
#> flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(AVAL_OS/365.25, Event_OS) ~ ARMCD, 
#>     data = IPD, dist = "Weibull")
#> Estimates: 
#>         data mean  est     L95%    U95%    se      exp(est)  L95%    U95%  
#> shape       NA     1.1346  0.9764  1.3185  0.0870      NA        NA      NA
#> scale       NA     3.1523  2.5170  3.9479  0.3620      NA        NA      NA
#> ARMCDB  0.5000     0.3066  0.0183  0.5949  0.1471  1.3588    1.0185  1.8129
#> N = 500,  Events: 150,  Censored: 350
#> Total time at risk: 623.0253
#> Log-likelihood = -360.0964, df = 3
#> AIC = 726.1929

ggsurvplot(, title="Overall survival",
           legend.labs = c("Reference","Intervention"),
           risk.table = TRUE)

#Time to progression
km.est.TTP <- survfit(Surv(AVAL_TTP/365.25, Event_TTP) ~ ARMCD, data = IPD) #KM curve <- flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(AVAL_TTP/365.25, Event_TTP) ~ ARMCD, data = IPD, dist = "Weibull") #Fit Weibull model to the TTP data
#> Call:
#> flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(AVAL_TTP/365.25, Event_TTP) ~ ARMCD, 
#>     data = IPD, dist = "Weibull")
#> Estimates: 
#>         data mean  est     L95%    U95%    se      exp(est)  L95%    U95%  
#> shape       NA     1.3757  1.2590  1.5033  0.0622      NA        NA      NA
#> scale       NA     0.5865  0.5310  0.6478  0.0297      NA        NA      NA
#> ARMCDB  0.5000     1.0992  0.9277  1.2707  0.0875  3.0016    2.5286  3.5632
#> N = 500,  Events: 328,  Censored: 172
#> Total time at risk: 358.9897
#> Log-likelihood = -269.0387, df = 3
#> AIC = 544.0774

ggsurvplot(, title="Time to progression",
           legend.labs = c("Reference","Intervention"),
           risk.table = TRUE)

Define DES model inputs

Inputs and variables that will be used in the model are defined below. We can define inputs that are common to all patients (common_all_inputs) within a simulation, inputs that are unique to a patient independently of the treatment (e.g. natural death, defined in common_pt_inputs), and inputs that are unique to that patient and that treatment (unique_pt_inputs). Items can be included through the add_item function, and can be used in subsequent items. All these inputs are generated before the events and the reaction to events are executed. Furthermore, the program first executes common_all_inputs, then common_pt_inputs and then unique_pt_inputs. So one could use the items generated in common_all_inputs in unique_pt_inputs.

#Define variables that do not change on any patient or intervention loop
common_all_inputs <- add_item( 
  #Parameters from the survival models
  OS.scale = as.numeric($coef[2]),
  OS.shape = as.numeric($coef[1]), = as.numeric($coef[3]), #Intervention effect

  TTP.scale = as.numeric($coef[2]),
  TTP.shape = as.numeric($coef[1]), = as.numeric($coef[3]), #Intervention effect
  util.PFS = 0.6, #Utility while in progression-free state
  util.PPS = 0.4, #Utility while in progressed state
  disutil.PAE = -0.02, #One-off disutility of progression-accelerating event

  #Costs = 85000, #Annual intervention cost
  cost.drug.ref = 29000, #Annual cost of reference treatment
  cost.admin.SC = 150, #Unit cost for each SC administration
  cost.admin.oral = 300, #One-off cost for oral administration = 3000, #Annual disease-management cost in progression-free state = 5000, #Annual disease-management cost in progressed state = 2200, #Annual adverse event costs for intervention = 1400, #Annual adverse event costs for reference treatment

#Define variables that do not change as we loop through interventions for a patient
common_pt_inputs <- add_item(
  #Patient baseline characteristics
  Sex = as.numeric(IPD[i,"SEX"]), #Record sex of individual patient. 0 = Female; 1 =Male
  BLAge = as.numeric(IPD[i,"AGE"]), #Record patient age at baseline
  #Draw time to non-disease related death from a restricted Gompertz distribution
  nat.death = draw_resgompertz(1,shape=if(Sex==1){0.102}else{0.115},
                               lower_bound = BLAge) # Baseline Age in years

#Define variables that change as we loop through treatments for each patient.
unique_pt_inputs <- add_item(  = 0, #Flag to determine if patient is on intervention. Initialized as 0, but will be changed to current arm in the Start event.
  fl.prog = 0, #Flag to determine if patient has progressed. All patients start progression-free
  fl.ontx = 1, #Flag to determine if patient is on treatment. All patients start on treatment
  fl.PAE = 0,  #Flag to determine if progression-accelerating event occurred
  pfs.time = NA #Recording of time at progression


Add Initial Events

We define now the possible events that can occur for the intervention and reference arm respectively using the add_tte() function. Only patients in the intervention arm can have a treatment discontinuation, while patients in both arms can have a progression, progression-accelerating and death event. The seed argument is being used in the draw_tte() function which uses the i item to ensure that event times specific to each patient can be replicated and updated at later time points.

init_event_list <- 
  #Events applicable to intervention
          evts = c("Start",
    Start <- 0
    Progression <- draw_tte(1,'weibull',coef1=TTP.shape, coef2= TTP.scale +,seed = as.numeric(paste0(1,i,simulation)))
    TxDisc <- Inf #Treatment discontinuation will occur at progression
    Death <- min(draw_tte(1,'weibull',coef1=OS.shape, coef2= OS.scale +, seed = as.numeric(paste0(42,i,simulation))), nat.death) #Death occurs at earliest of disease-related death or non-disease-related death
    PAE <- draw_tte(1,'exp',coef1=-log(1-0.05)) #Occurrence of the progression-accelerating event has a 5% probability for the intervention arm
  }) %>%  
  #Events applicable to reference treatment
          evts = c("Start", #Events are the same except that there will be no treatment discontinuation
    Start <- 0
    Progression <- draw_tte(1,'weibull',coef1=TTP.shape, coef2= TTP.scale,seed = as.numeric(paste0(1,i,simulation)))
    Death <- min(draw_tte(1,'weibull', coef1=OS.shape, coef2= OS.scale, seed = as.numeric(paste0(42,i,simulation))), nat.death) #Death occurs at earliest of disease-related death or non-disease-related death
    PAE <- draw_tte(1,'exp',coef1=-log(1-0.15)) #Occurrence of the progression-accelerating event has a 15% probability for the reference arm

Add Event Reactions

Reactions for each individual event are defined in the following using the add_reactevt() function. Patients in the intervention arm discontinue treatment at progression. Occurrence of the progression-accelerated event results in an earlier progression (if it has not occurred yet). Note the use of the seed argument in the draw_tte() function which ensures that the same seed is being used in the original and the updated draw of the time to progression.

evt_react_list <-
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "Start",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list( = ifelse(trt=="int",1,0)))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "TxDisc",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list("fl.ontx"= 0))
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "Progression",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list("pfs.time"=curtime,"fl.prog"= 1))
                 if(trt=="int"){modify_event(list("TxDisc" = curtime))} #Trigger treatment discontinuation at progression
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "Death",
               input = {
               }) %>%
  add_reactevt(name_evt = "PAE",
               input = {
                 modify_item(list("fl.PAE"= 1))
                 if(fl.prog == 0){ #Event only accelerates progression if progression has not occurred yet
                   "Progression"=max(draw_tte(1,'weibull',coef1=TTP.shape, coef2= TTP.scale +*, hr = 1.2, seed = as.numeric(paste0(1,i,simulation))),curtime))) #Occurrence of event accelerates progression by a factor of 1.2

Costs and Utilities

Costs and utilities are introduced below.


Utilities relating to progression-free and progressed states are common across arms.

util_ongoing <- add_util(evt = c("Start","TxDisc","Progression","Death","PAE"),
                              trt = c("int", "ref"), #common utility across arms
                              util = ifelse(fl.prog == 0, util.PFS, util.PPS)

util_instant <- add_util(evt = c("PAE"),
                              trt = c("int", "ref"), #common utility across arms
                              util = disutil.PAE


Costs are defined specific to each arm due to differences in drug, administration and AE costs. A one-off cost for oral administration of the reference arm is also applied.

cost_ongoing <-
  #Drug costs are specific to each arm
    evt = c("Start","TxDisc","Progression","Death","PAE"),
    trt = "int",
    cost = ( + 
            cost.admin.SC * 12 + #Intervention is administered once a month
   * fl.ontx +
           ifelse(fl.prog == 0,,
      ) %>%
    evt = c("Start","TxDisc","Progression","Death","PAE"),
    trt = "ref",
    cost = cost.drug.ref + + #No ongoing administration cost as reference treatment is oral
      ifelse(fl.prog == 0,,

#One-off cost only applies to oral administration of reference treatment, applied at start of treatment
cost_instant <-  add_cost(
  evt = "Start",
  trt = "ref",
  cost = cost.admin.oral


Model Execution

The model is executed with the event reactions and inputs previously defined for each patient in the simulated data set.

#Logic is: per patient, per intervention, per event, react to that event.
results <- RunSim(  
  npats=as.numeric(nrow(IPD)),              # Simulating the number of patients for which we have IPD
  n_sim=1,                                  # We run all patients once (per treatment)
  psa_bool = FALSE,                         # No PSA for this example
  trt_list = c("int", "ref"),             
  common_all_inputs = common_all_inputs,    
  common_pt_inputs = common_pt_inputs,      
  unique_pt_inputs = unique_pt_inputs,      
  init_event_list = init_event_list,        
  evt_react_list = evt_react_list,          
  util_ongoing_list = util_ongoing,
  cost_ongoing_list = cost_ongoing,
  cost_instant_list = cost_instant,
  ncores = 2,                              
  drc = 0.035,                              # discount rate for costs
  drq = 0.035,                              # discount rate for QALYs
  input_out = c("BLAge","Sex","nat.death","pfs.time")
#> [1] "Simulation number: 1"
#> [1] "Time to run iteration 1: 2.36s"
#> [1] "Total time to run: 2.36s"

Post-processing of Model Outputs

Summary of Results

Once the model has been run, we can use the results and summarize them using the summary_results_det to print the results of the deterministic case. The individual patient data generated by the simulation is recorded in the psa_ipd object.

summary_results_det(results$final_output) #will print the last simulation!
#>             int       ref
#> costs 112575.87 101195.77
#> lys        3.72      2.87
#> qalys      1.71      1.23
#> ICER         NA  13407.80
#> ICUR         NA  24146.54

psa_ipd <- bind_rows(map(results$output_psa, "merged_df")) 

psa_ipd[1:10,] %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("striped", "hover", "condensed", "responsive"))
evtname evttime cost qaly ly pat_id trt Sex BLAge nat.death pfs.time total_costs total_qalys total_lys simulation
Start 0.0000000 0.000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1 int 0 64.43993 15.07995 NA 112207.0 2.885282 6.762667 1
PAE 0.2684478 24583.505 0.1603272 0.2672120 1 int 0 64.43993 15.07995 NA 112207.0 2.885282 6.762667 1
Progression 0.9153383 58315.562 0.3803189 0.6338648 1 int 0 64.43993 15.07995 0.9153383 112207.0 2.885282 6.762667 1
TxDisc 0.9153383 0.000 0.0000000 0.0000000 1 int 0 64.43993 15.07995 0.9153383 112207.0 2.885282 6.762667 1
Death 7.6975370 29307.951 2.3446361 5.8615902 1 int 0 64.43993 15.07995 0.9153383 112207.0 2.885282 6.762667 1
Start 0.0000000 0.000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2 int 0 65.07078 13.96292 NA 128908.5 1.209264 2.349831 1
PAE 0.1375550 12625.167 0.0823380 0.1372301 2 int 0 65.07078 13.96292 NA 128908.5 1.209264 2.349831 1
Progression 1.3788510 111267.504 0.7256576 1.2094294 2 int 0 65.07078 13.96292 1.3788510 128908.5 1.209264 2.349831 1
TxDisc 1.3788510 0.000 0.0000000 0.0000000 2 int 0 65.07078 13.96292 1.3788510 128908.5 1.209264 2.349831 1
Death 2.4502583 5015.856 0.4012685 1.0031713 2 int 0 65.07078 13.96292 1.3788510 128908.5 1.209264 2.349831 1

We can also check what has been the absolute number of events per strategy.

trt evtname n
int Death 500
int Start 500
int PAE 418
int Progression 398
int TxDisc 398
ref Death 500
ref Start 500
ref Progression 450
ref PAE 405


We now use the simulation output to plot the Kaplan-Meier curves of the simulated OS and PFS against the observed Kaplan-Meier curves. The simulated progression-free survival curve is lower than the observed due to the addition of the progression-accelerating event into the model.

#Overall survival
KM.death <- psa_ipd %>% filter(evtname=="Death") %>% mutate(Event = 1) <- survfit(Surv(evttime, Event) ~ trt, data = KM.death)

km.comb <- list(
  Observed = km.est.OS,
  Predicted =

ggsurvplot(km.comb, combine = TRUE,
           title="Overall Survival",
           legend.labs=c("Observed - Ref","Observed - Int","Predicted - Int","Predicted - Ref"),
           linetype = c(2,2,1,1),
           xlim=c(0,10), = 1, censor=FALSE)

#Progression-free survival
km.est.PFS <- survfit(Surv(AVAL_PFS/365.25, Event_PFS) ~ ARMCD, data = IPD)
KM.PFS.DES <- psa_ipd %>% filter(evtname=="Death") %>% mutate(evttime = ifelse(,evttime,pfs.time),
                                                          Event = 1) <- survfit(Surv(evttime, Event) ~ trt, data = KM.PFS.DES)

km.comb <- list(Observed = km.est.PFS,
                Predicted =

ggsurvplot(km.comb,combine = TRUE,
           title="Progression-free Survival",
           legend.labs=c("Observed - Ref","Observed - Int","Predicted - Int","Predicted - Ref"),
           linetype = c(2,2,1,1),
           xlim=c(0,5), = 1, censor = FALSE)