import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import meeglet
from meeglet import define_frequencies, define_wavelets
= 0.5 # half an octave of standard deviation around center frequency
bw_oct = 1 # one octave spacing between frequencies of interest (foi)
= define_frequencies(
foi, sigma_time, sigma_freq, bw_oct, qt =1, foi_end=32, delta_oct=delta_oct, bw_oct=bw_oct
foi_start )
Morlet wavelets designed for power-spectral analysis of M/EEG
Analysis of M/EEG signals in the frequency domain is widely used and has proven useful in various applications. This is due to a key contribution of periodic processes to electrophysiological signals, which are well represented in the frequency domain. Electrophysiological signals (as many other naturally occurring signals) show a log-frequency behavior, i.e., the magnitude and spectral width of oscillatory signals scale logarithmically rather than linearly with frequency (Buzsáki and Mizuseki 2014). The commonly used Fourier transform is optimal for signals with a linear frequency behavior. Frequency transformations that account for log-frequency behavior may be better suited for electrophysiological signals. Morlet wavelets (Morlet et al. 1982) that extend Gabor Wavelets (Gabor 1946) into families of wavelets are widely used for time-frequency analyses in M/EEG (Tallon-Baudry et al. 1996), can be used to this end.
This package provides a lean implementation of Morlet wavelets using a frequency-domain parametrization initially developed to facilitate the spectral analysis of M/EEG resting-state signals (Hipp et al. 2012). The package derives besides spectral power also the covariance matrix and several other bi-variate and summary measures (coherence, imaginary coherence, phase-locking value, phase-lag index, de-biased weighted phase-lag index, power correlations, orthogonalized power correlations) and the global interaction measure. These representations can be used for exploration and for further statistical analyses of M/EEG signals (e.g. for cluster permutation statistics or as features for machine learning).
Power spectral density in units of µV²/oct
The implementation provides the power spectrum in units of \(µV^2/oct\). While this is an unusual normalization for power spectral density, it is a logical continuation embracing the logarithmic nature of electrophysiological signals and Jean Morlet’s work extending Gabor wavelets (Gabor 1946) into families of proportionial wavelets (Morlet et al. 1982). It automatically leads to larger values at higher frequencies compared to the traditional \(µV^2/Hz\) normalization, thereby accounting for lower amplitudes at higher frequencies.
We therefore use a log-frequency grid with a wavelet design that increases spectral smoothing log-linearly with frequency. The implementation parameterizes spectral spacing and smoothing in units of octaves (delta_oct
and bw_oct
). We provide a python and a Matlab implementation. In the following we describe the python version.
The first step prepares frequencies of interest, foi
, for which Morlet wavelets are constructed.
= define_wavelets(foi, sigma_time, sfreq=1000)
= plt.subplots(len(wavelets), sharex=True)
fig, axes = list(reversed(axes))
axes =, 0.9, len(wavelets)))
for ii, (w, *_) in enumerate(wavelets):
= np.arange(len(w)) - len(w)/2
w_range =colors[ii])
axes[ii].plot(w_range, w.real, color=colors[ii], linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)
axes[ii].plot(w_range, w.imag, colorf'{foi[ii]} Hz', y=0.5, x=0.1)
"Time (ms)") plt.xlabel(
Text(0.5, 0, 'Time (ms)')
The Morlet wavelets are widest in lower frequencies and shorter in higher frequencies. Note also that the number of cycles is constant across wavelets, which is in line with Jean Morlet’s original work (Morlet et al. 1982) as it is controlled by the kernel width.
In addition, our Morlet wavelet family does not only have a log-linearly increasing spectral width and a log-linearly decreasing temporal width, but spacing between frequencies increases log-linearly, i.e., increasingly fewer wavelets are deployed at higher frequencies. The spectral distance between two wavelets, i.e. spacing, is expressed in octaves, hence, log-linear too. This is a natural choice and ensures efficient spectral sampling.
= np.c_[
delta_foi 2 ** (np.log2(foi) - delta_oct / 2),
2 ** (np.log2(foi) + delta_oct / 2)
plt.figure()='o', base=2, label=r'$\sigma_f$', color='orange')
plt.loglog(foi, sigma_freq, marker='o', base=2, label=r'$\sigma_t$', color='steelblue')
plt.loglog(foi, sigma_time, marker='orange')
plt.loglog(delta_foi.T, np.c_[sigma_freq, sigma_freq].T, color='steelblue')
plt.loglog(delta_foi.T, np.c_[sigma_time, sigma_time].T, color
plt.legend()=foi, labels=foi)
plt.xticks(ticks'Frequency (Hz)')
plt.xlabel(r'Bandwidth of Wavelet (temporal: $\sigma_t$, spectral: $\sigma_f$)')
plt.ylabel(True) plt.grid(
Key features of this Morlet wavelet implementation
- Focused on power-spectral analysis of resting-state EEG (not time-frequency analysis) and proven useful in past pharmacological research & clinical applications.
- The log-linear parametrization in octaves enables intuitive reasoning about frequencies of interest.
- Helps avoid thinking in (arbitrary) frequency bands while expressing prior knowledge about log-linear scaling of brain structure and function (Buzsáki and Mizuseki 2014).
- The main reason for using a frequency domain representation based on Morlet wavelets over widely used Fourier transform based approaches is that the Fourier transform implies a linear grid and constant spectral width and is therefore not optimal for log-frequency scaling of electrophysiological signals.
- A simple time-domain convolution is implemented, whereas other implementations use convolutions in the frequency domain for improved speed (Cohen 2019; Gramfort et al. 2013). In our experience, computation tis are not an issue when using modern computers.
- As a consequence, our implementation makes ignoring bad segments labeled as missing (NaN) straight forward, propagating the number of effective samples to down-stream statistics like power or covariance.
- Being Morlet wavelets, the kernel families that can be obtained from our package can be used with other convolution implementations, if desired. This is explicitly supported by our API, supported by convenient visualization functionality.
- Our package provides practically tested implementations of popular spectral metrics based on the same Wavelet convolutions (see next section).
- Unit tests establish that Python and MATLAB code provide numerically equivalent results.
Overview on implemented M/EEG spectral metrics
Power measures
: power spectral densitycsd
: cross-spectral densitycov
: covariance estimated from wavelet convolutons (Bomatter et al. 2024)
Measures of phase interaction (mixed, coherence type)
: coherence (Varela et al. 2001)icoh
: imaginary coherence (Nolte et al. 2004)gim
: global interaction measure (Ewald et al. 2012)
More specific measures of phase interaction
: phase-locking value (Lachaux et al. 1999)pli
: phase-locking index (Stam, Nolte, and Daffertshofer 2007)dwpli
: debiased squared weighted phase-lag index (Vinck et al. 2011)
Power envelope correlations
: power envelope correlation (log of rectified wavelet-convoluted timeseries) (Hipp et al. 2012)r_orth
: orthogonalized power envelope correlation (Hipp et al. 2012)